
Vertical sewage pump control procedures

Vertical sewage pump control procedures
The pump is installed in the sludge control room, which is responsible for the distribution of the sludge in the digestion tank.
First, start:
1, starting pump and pump operation, the pool must be more than 2.00M.
2, manual rotation of the pump spindle, the hand sensor is easy, continuous, uniform rotation, no clear graphics card hysteresis vibration.
3, open the mud valve, and open the inlet valve and the valve body of the valve, the valve of the pump body, the internal gas discharge, to the discharge of liquid continuous uniform after closing the two valve.
4, starting motor, observation of current changes and pump start, to reach the required speed after the slowly open the mud valves, and adjust to the conditions of the process requirements.
If the pump body in the process of abnormal vibration or current can not reach the requirements of the situation, it is to stop the pump in a timely manner, to identify the reasons for the exclusion of starting again after.
Vertical sewage pump control procedures
Two start time must be separated by more than 15 minutes.
Two, the operation of the:
Should always pay attention to check the operating conditions of the 1 operators, the pump in operation, such as vibration, noise, abnormal idling should stop the pump check in time. Smooth operation will seriously damage the mechanical seal.
2, try to avoid idling, so as not to damage the rubber bearing, and should avoid long time operation in closed outlet valve case.
Two, parking:
1, closed pump outlet pipe valve and pump inlet pipe valve.
Closed power, stop the operation of the pump.

